Gareth Aguilar

AI Programmer - C++ Gameplay Engineer

Prototypes / Contributions

Unreal Engine 5

Survival Simulation

Built using Unreal Engine's new data oriented architecture called Mass.

  • Design artificial intelligence that can compute thousands of entities in the world.
  • Implement Instanced Static Meshes using baked vertex animation for efficient agent visualization.
Unreal Engine 4

Turn-based RPG

Role playing project built using Unreal Engines Gameplay Ability System

  • Design turn-based system for use with GAS
  • Program ability-based attacks through Blueprints
  • Implement traits and properties for characters in C++
Unreal Engine 4

Multiplayer EOS Project

Competitive action game using Unreal's replication and RPC system. Lobbies and sessions setup through Epic Online Services.

  • Program lobby system using both EOS and Steam to connect users through cross-play
  • Implement actions/abilities using RPC's to maintain server security.
Unreal Engine 4

Spatial Inventory Plugin

Inventory system built using UMG, Blueprints, and C++. Inspired by Resident Evil 3.

  • Implement quick-swapping to move items between two separate inventories.
  • Design drag-drop inventory which supports items of any size.
Unreal Engine 4

Interaction System Plugin

Interaction / Inventory plugin built using C++

  • Implement usables, consumables, readables, and throwable items for various scenarios.
  • Design component-based interactions to support modularity.

Projects / Professional Experience

Unreal Engine 5


Unreal Network Programmer and Generalist

  • Implemented custom tooling for designers and programmers to complete work up to 40% quicker.
  • Profiled through Unreal Insights to optimize expensive operations, improving server tickrate by up to 35%.
  • Iterated on game features through a continuous integration/continuous deployment pipeline.
Unreal Engine 4

Sticky Finger Sneak

Built using Unreal Engine's Perception Component and EQS to simulate realistic AI

  • Implement spatially aware AI with sight and hearing capabilities
  • Design and Program grid-based inventory system
  • Implement lockdown state which alerts nearby enemies of the players location
Unreal Engine 4

Spooky Project

Modular project built using a variety of self-developed plugins

  • Program modular interaction and inventory systems that can be used in a wide variety of genres.
  • Design decoupled UI elements so systems do not directly reference them, reinforcing the idea of modular coding.
  • Develop basic light sensing system to determine visibility of player and points in the world.
Game Maker Studio

Dog Game

Built with Game Maker Studio 2 using new systems like the Sequence designer and external API's

  • Implement turn-based battle system that can manage multiple enemies and minigames.
  • Program custom save-system that only stores specified variables from defined instances in the world
  • Implement external APIs into the project to speed up development such as the text box system
Unity 3D

Death Splat

Built using C# over the span of one weekend. Designed, led, and programmed core gameplay features.

  • Lead a team of 4 and assigned tasks to each teammate to ensure work was distributed appropriately.
  • Implemented smooth and responsive player movement through the use of forces in Unity's physics system.
  • Developed points system based on player velocity, airtime, and damage taken.
Unreal Engine 4

The Last Gasp

Built with Behavior Trees, Environment Query System, and Blueprints

  • Developed enemy artificial intelligence through the use of Behavior Trees and the Environment Query System (EQS).
  • Designed Navigation Queries to support spatially aware AI. Allowed enemies to keep a safe distance from the player.
  • Programmed custom decorators and tasks to meet requirements for combat-ready AI. Supported ranged and melee attacks.
Unity 3D


Built with Unity3D using built-in UI designer, C# components, and scriptable objects

  • Designed and programmed interaction system and allowed designers to implement new items seamlessly through the use of scriptable objects.
  • Implemented PSX-inspired inventory system using C#.
  • Programmed flexible UI system that prevented overlapping UI buttons and elements
Unreal Engine 4

Dodge Z Ball

Built with Unreal Engine using UMG, C++, and Git for source control

  • Implement responsive ball throwing through instant-feedback UI and interpolated ball movement
  • Programmed dash mechanic through C++, ensuring dash position was always valid by capsule tracing in direction of movement.
  • Collaborated with teammates across the world using Git and C++ to avoid merge conflicts.
Unreal Engine 4

Sanity Not Included

Used Unreal Engine Blueprint scripting, Behavior Trees, and Perception System

  • Develop balanced AI that allowed the player to hide in dark areas and be fully visible in areas with light.
  • Responsible for developing interactables and puzzles throughout the dungeon level.
  • Coordinated tasks between team members to ensure smooth workflow and prevent merge conflicts.
Unreal Engine 4

Beast Arena

Built with UE4 UMG, Blueprints, Behavior Trees, Drag-n-Drop system

  • Implemented reactive boss AI that performs attacks based on the location of the player.
  • Developed fast paced combo fighting system through the use of Blueprints.
  • Designed and programmed drag-n-drop inventory system by taking advantage of built-in Blueprint functions.
Game Maker Studio

Hot Bots

Built with Game Maker Studio using custom systems and integrated networking capabilities.

  • Implement grid-based state machine AI that destroyed barriers and avoided obstacles
  • Programmed AI that would actively strafe-dodge to avoid bullets or projectiles
  • Develop proof-of-concept multiplayer system using TCP protocol through a server/client infrastructure.
  • Implement data-based weapon system to rapidly implement new weapons to the arsenal.


I am a software engineer with experience using Unreal Engine, Unity, and Game Maker. I've developed multiple projects through a combination of Unreal's Blueprints, C++, C#, and Game Maker Language. 

Initially, I created games during my free time, I am now seeking to expand my knowledge in the game development industry. During my downtime, I gather inspiration for my projects by playing videogames such as Valorant, Dead By Daylight, and Apex Legends.


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